An effective treatment for the extreme ups and downs of bipolar disorder has long eluded conventional medicine. | Flickr CC user versionz
Earlier this year, a contributor to the United Patients Group blog wrote about his son’s struggle to find an effective treatment for bipolar disorder. After four years of nearly annual hospitalization, cannabis was the only option that seemed to help. “From his first puff I could see immediate mood improvements,” the father wrote. But interestingly, he also felt that his son’s habit of smoking “street pot” had increased his psychosis, even provoking manic episodes.
How is it that the same plant could both agitate and alleviate his son’s symptoms? The key to effective treatment, the father argued, was in the chemical makeup of one particular cannabis strain they’d found—it had high amounts of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the principal cannabinoids in marijuana.
The Connection Between Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder
Research into the relationship between cannabis and bipolar disorder has resulted in contradictory results: some studies say using cannabis improves cognitive functions, with patients reporting that it works better than conventional drugs to treat their mania and depression. But other studies suggest it increases depressive symptoms and that continued use of cannabis is associated with a higher occurrence of manic episodes. And there’s the risk, too, of dependence and drug abuse—research has found that people with bipolar disorder are 6.8 times more likely to have a history of illicit marijuana use than the rest of the population.
Despite all this, the father from the United Patients Group may have been onto something. While case studies on cannabis’ effects have been mixed, there’s a lot of evidence that CBD has the same antipsychotic and anticonvulsive properties as conventional bipolar disorder treatments. In other words, the chemical makeup of the strain you use does seem to matter, especially the balance of cannabis’ two most famous ingredients: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
The Difference Between THC and CBD
Of the 113 known compounds in marijuana, THC and CBD are the two principal active cannabinoids. Both interact with the endocannabinoid system in your body, the system that affects mood, appetite, pain sensation, and memory (this system is also known to play a role in mental disorders when it doesn’t function properly). The amount of THC and CBD in your cannabis—plus the way these compounds interact with each other—results in the different “highs” you get from various strains.
The health effects of the principal cannabinoids in marijuana. | Image Source: Wikimedia user Subvertc
So, how do these two compounds differ? It’s a surprisingly long list. THC is psychoactive and has properties that relieve pain, reduce vomiting, and reduce muscle spasms. It also has a relaxing effect on most people, which can give you that classic “stoned” feeling. And while marijuana doesn’t cause psychotic disorders (contrary to familiar old-school propaganda), research shows that it can mimic symptoms—and this effect also comes from THC.
CBD also relieves pain, and it has additional properties that are anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective. But even more interesting are CBD’s antipsychotic and anticonvulsive properties, which suggest the compound could be used to replace conventional antipsychotics and anticonvulsants, the two drug classes most commonly prescribed to people with bipolar disorder. For instance, CBD’s antipsychotic properties mean that the cannabinoid acts like an “atypical” antipsychotic—working similarly to a conventional antipsychotic medication but without the same serious, long-term side effects.
So while THC can induce psychotic reactions and impair cognitive functions, CBD’s antipsychotic properties mitigate the effects of THC. It makes sense, then, that a strain with a high CBD content would be effective against bipolar disorder, while a strain with high THC might only aggravate psychotic symptoms. But unless you specifically seek out a high-CBD marijuana, it’s likely you’ll wind up with a strain that’s much higher in THC. In a study from the University of Mississippi that assessed the THC/CBD content of illegal marijuana confiscated between 1994 and 2014, researchers found that THC content increased from 4% to 12% over the years, while CBD decreased. There used to be about 14 times more THC than CBD in marijuana—now there’s 80 times more.
Whole Cannabis vs Isolated CBD: Which Is Better?
If THC could induce psychosis in some people with mental disorders, is it better to just use pure CBD? The father from the United Patients Group reported his son had great results with cannabis strains that had a CBD:THC ratio of 20:1, but he also said they had even better results with isolated CBD in oil form. Another man claims that CBD oil was so effective he was able to quit his conventional antipsychotic prescription.
But the way that THC and CBD interact may also be important. In 2012, a man named Miles Houser wrote to a Harvard professor who was collecting case studies on cannabis, stating that after running the gamut of conventional anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and antidepressants, high-CBD cannabis had been the only thing that worked for him. In an article for the online magazine Ladybud, marijuana legalization advocate Gradi Jordan wrote that, based on the 36 years she’d used cannabis to treat her bipolar disorder, she felt THC was an essential component to effectively managing severe symptoms.
What’s the bottom line? We still don’t know. There’s a lot of evidence that CBD—either in isolated form or in high-CBD strains of cannabis—can effectively treat both the manic and depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder. But most clinical cannabis studies don’t include the ratio of CBD:THC in the strands they use, and more research is needed to explore whether CBD oil or whole cannabis works better. Like any psychedelic, cannabis needs to be treated with caution and respect, and it shouldn’t be used as a haphazard self-medication. And as with all medicines, treatment is ultimately a matter of personal preference: the effectiveness and side effects will depend on the unique biochemistry and personality of each person. But while we’re waiting on conclusive research, it seems that CBD is providing promising relief to people who need it.
It seems like man is pretty smart but the earth is smarter. Since the medications man has created for Bipolar disorder have far harsher and many more side effects than The Universe’s Medicine Cannabis. If Cannabis has CBD in it which has anit-psychotic properties think of how many more people with bipolar disorder may avoid needless suffering caused by the harsh life destroying effects of Man Made Antipsychotics such as seroquel, risperdal, latuda, etc. The minimization of side effects is huge in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Right now Cannabis is being underutilized in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
Unfortunately CBD Oil, even with No HTC has caused me to tail spin into Manic and Depression. I feel perhaps because of the benefits of the relief it gives me physically escalates my Manic episode’s but then after is wears off and my body aches return I become more depressed. I have tried several oils. Some made from the Seed another from the stalk of the cannabis plant. I had not had any episode’s of Bipolar disorder in years and years but here I am almost 64 and the CBD Oil has me back to were I was as a teenager. I decided however to use it externally mixed with other oils at night for aches and pains and it helps very much and my sleep in much better. I have started meditating, excercising more to relieve tension and things are calming down. I do have a sensitive system unable to take pain medicine and antibiotics so my situation is not the norm perhaps.
I know so many have benefited from CBD, I am glad everyone has a choice.
How to sensibly buy LEGAL cbd oil? Because I got a letter saying customs has confiscated my package two times already and I’m pissed.
“And there’s the risk, too, of dependence and drug abuse—research has found that people with bipolar disorder are 6.8 times more likely to have a history of illicit marijuana use than the rest of the population.”
Why is it risky to depend on a drug that mitigates mania and depression? Especially if no other drug is nearly as effective. Untreated, or undertreated, bipolar disorder is a painful way to live. Why is it “drug abuse” to use something that treats the disorder? If you were living in emotional pain, wouldn’t you be “6.8” time more likely to seek something that is helpful? “Illicit” is a poor choice of word to describe self-medicating.
There are problems with all natural, man man or hybrid between man and earth. All natural does not mean no side effects!!
The truth is that manic depressives such as myself, have a very fine therapeutic range of wellness. Even at different times of our lives we need to rebalance with the help of a professional. There is no one complete sweet spot because it keeps moving.
As a long term sufferer, I am finding relief with Surterra’s Zen. It has a ratio of 4:1 THC I believe. But I also take GABA twice a day. I take Surterra’s Relief at bedtime (9:1) which allows me to sleep without my mind racing. These two products also contain specific terpenes which also provide health benefits for my needs.
hi id like to know how much then for treating bipolar and adhd please thankyou
I’m new to CBD oil. Holy cow! I will Never stop using it again. Hempworx is my brand. 5 drops in the am 5 drops in the PM before bed. I suffer from bipolar disorder and my son also may suffer from it as well. We both started it the same day. Let me tell you, life has been so much more pleasant in my house and mine and his relationship is starting to be better than it ever has been. I woke up this morning raging my b.f asked me if I took my drops yet. I got kind of offended, than I took my drops and 5min later I was feeling like myself again. I wish this stuff existed years ago. I have been a long time thc user because it helped my bipolar systems, but it also had it’s draw back like bad memory from being in a fog all the time, but it helped and pharmacuticals have done so much worse for me than helped which made me scared for my son if he does indeed have bipolar as well, and I of course and NOT letting him smoke anything much less marujana so when CBD oil started floating around I did a lot of reading and finally tried it, and I am in love. My 8 year old even noticed a difference. You have no idea how nice it is to not have to suffer from bipolar symptoms like raging and be able to have a good, positive interaction with my son. He’s not throwing massive temper tantrums every single day multiple times a day. He hasn’t had a baby fit in a few days now that I think about it.
I would also like to know if cannabis oil could cure my bipolar and add. Thanks
How much and what strain to treat. Bipolar?
I have suffered from these symptoms for years but have not sought medical treatment, yet it seems as if I couldn’t stay away from THC. I have since quit using street marijuana and turned to CBD infused terpenoids (if that’s the right term) and has helped me tremendously to control my episodes. It’s still a fight to control emotions but much easier to do with CBD being a factor.
I’m 43 yrs old and have been (trying) dealing with depression (MDD)/anxiety/SI since 14 yrs old. Last year diagnosed with Bipolar 1 and SH. I’ve been through the whole gamut of man made antidepressants and antipsychotics! Naturally, my psych told me to stay away from marijuana. I asked about anything CBD and again was told to avoid. However, I’ve read SOOOO much that tells me how beneficial and advantageous CBD oil is for Bipolar. For all with bipolar who currently using CBD oil, how is it working for you? Does it help? What kind(s)/strength do you use? TIA.
Where can you order oil where you can choose your own ratio of CBD to THC? Please help me out 🙂
my son is 49 yrs old ..struggles w bipolar and alcohol..he’s been on CBD tincture (20 to 1)…he was severely dehydrated and manic..he has been taking the tincture and vitamins for about three months now…doing a lot better but now is having some struggles w the manic part of his disorder….he is in a facility that regulates his meds…but I’m having trouble finding resources to help me with dosage of his CBD tincture….could you please send me some information on either how or who could help me…
Thank you…
I was diagnosed with Bipolar Type I in 2012 aged 50. I now realise I’d been self medicating as described above with marijuana since the age of 16 to about 52 (when I had a bad episode of paranoia related to the fact the grass produced these days ci rains far higher levels of THC than the grass we smoked in my youth). How I wish CBD had been available for therapeutic use for my anxiety & depression decades ago before I deteriorated due to life events up in my childhood (sexual abuse) & latterly extreme work stress & multiple addictions related to maladaptive attempts to deal with my growing emotional distress & related mental health issues). I discovered CBD in a Vaper only last week here at a legal V aping store where I live in Ireland. I had no idea CBD oil could now be safely isolated AND sold completely legally here. I am stable for the last couple of years on Sodium Valproate (a mood stabiliser) along with a very low dose of Seroquel to help me calm my sometimes racing mind at nightime & get to sleep. Sine I started vapi g with CBD oil (at a recommended 100mg trial strength) I have not had to take the Seroquel once in ten days. I feel calmer & more balanced. I started a new part time job (that is quite a responsible position but very fulfilling because I am helping people like me find employment after many years out of work (also just like me, due to my Bipolar Diagnosis back in 2012). I feel happy for the first time in my adult life. I am not living in fear. I am more creative (photography is my passion & refuge & I am taking many satusfying street shots at the moment as I go about my day). CBD is changing my life for the bred & I came online an hour ago to see if it was safe for me to be actually self medicating with it. When I meet my Psychistrist for a regular review consultation next month’s I will be now happy to discuss my use of it with her without feeling any fear of her telling me off for using it without her blessing. That’s my CBD experience so far. Good luck to everyone here one & all this CBD oil is giving me renewed hope that I can live a normal life & even in late middle age fulfil some of the potential that was taken from me while I was powerless as a young boy & man.
I am bipolar…63…never had any relief from any meds much, but tried cbd few days ago…feel like a new woman.. Thank God!